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Section Two: What is Fiber Optics? pg.10 backward buttonforward button
Wavelengths in Fiber Optics
Fiber optic wavelengths are standardized for transmitters, receivers, and testers.
It is important to note that the frequencies used in fiber optics are not visible to the human eye. To protect their eyesight, technicians should NEVER look directly at a fiber connector end, or the output of a fiber transmitter, without being positive that there is no light energy being emitted.

Remember, the laser light sources used in fiber optics can cause vision damage with repeated exposure!

The frequencies used in fiber optics are not a range, but are quite exact. For example, the frequencies used in multimode are not those between 850 and 1300nm; they are at 850 or 1300nm, plus or minus 10nm. The range from 1550 to 1625nm is used for Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM), which is discussed later in this course.

The frequencies used in fiber optics are standardized for the transmission equipment and the testers used to verify the quality of a fiber link. By using standard testing equipment, the fiber optic technician can test a fiber link at the same frequency(s) that are going to be used by the optoelectronic transmission devices.

Returning to the the previous highway example, the technician can test the highway (fiber link) at the same speed (wavelength) that the selected vehicle (transmitters and receivers) will be driven.


Key Points:

1. Fiber wavelengths are standardized.

2. Wavelengths are in nanometers, which are billionths of a meter.

3. Fiber wavelengths are outside the range of human eyesight.

4. LED's and lasers can be used with multimode; singlemode is laser only.

5. The lasers used in fiber optics can damage your eyesight with repeated exposures.

6. Fiber frequencies are exact, plus or minus 10 nm.

Pop Quiz:
True or False

Multimode fiber uses the frequencies that span between 850 and 1300 nm.

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Key Terms:

1. Nanometer


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