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Section Two: What is Fiber Optics? pg.7 backward buttonforward button
What is singlemode used for?

Because of the small core size and the more powerful laser transmitters used, singlemode can carry signals much further than multimode. Fiber cables placed under the oceans or across the country are singlemode, not multimode. Because a laser can turn on and off faster than an LED, singlemode fiber also has more bandwidth capability. Singlemode is the fiber type of choice for maximum bandwidth, even if the distance is within the limitations of multimode.

Singlemode fiber is used to carry telecommunications around the world.

Key Points:

1. Lasers can turn on and off faster than LED's.

2. Singlemode provides the farthest distance available in fiber optics, and the highest bandwidth.

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True or False

Multimode fiber is always used for short distance fiber connections.

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Key Terms:

1. Bandwidth

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