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Section Two: What is Fiber Optics? pg.1 backward buttonforward button
The Fiber Strand

Core - Carries the light signal

Cladding - Different grade of glass than the core, keeps the light signal within the core

Buffer Coating - Plastic, provides strength and size

The speed of light through optical glass is slower than the speed of light through a vacuum. The speed of light in optical fiber is expressed as the “index of refraction”. Index of refraction values for optical fiber vary between 1.40 and 1.59. The lower the index of refraction, the faster the speed of light in that particular composition of glass. Both the core and the cladding are made of optical glass, however, the “index of refraction” of the core is lower than that of the cladding. It is this difference in refractive indexes which causes the light signals to stay within the core, providing that the fiber strand is not bent severely.


Pop Quiz:
True or False

An Index of Refraction value of 2.756 indicates a high speed optical fiber strand.

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Key Terms:

1. Core

2. Cladding

3. Buffer Coating

4. Index of Refraction

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