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Section Two: What is Fiber Optics? pg.5 backward buttonforward button
Singlemode Fiber
Singlemode fiber was developed after the “pulse spreading” problems were realized during the initial installations of multimode fiber by the telephone companies in the 1980’s. While the outside diameter of the cladding is the same as multimode, that being 125 microns, the core of a singlemode fiber is much smaller, approximately 1/6th of the 62.5 micron core of multimode. The core of singlemode is so small that, even with the rigid controls used in the manufacturing process, the size of the core cannot be completely controlled. Even within the same roll the core of a singlemode fiber will vary along the length between 7 and 9 microns.
The “mode field diameter”, which includes a portion of the cladding immediately surrounding the core, is where the light signal travels in singlemode fiber. Because the diameter of the core varies, so will the mode field diameter.

Key Points:

1. Multimode and singlemode have the same diameter of cladding-125 microns.

2. The core of singlemode will vary from seven to nine microns.

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Singlemode fiber was developed before multimode.

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Key Terms:

1. Mode Field Diameter

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